Bonnie Tucker / FST
The ice tunnels that form in dales between mountains in the Andes in southern Argentina come spring have launched a new, uncommon type of excursion in Esquel, Chubut. Hikers are taken as close as possible to the tunnel site in an overlanding vehicle, and cover the remaining distance on foot.

A tunnel forms when a thick mantle of snow that was compacted by its own weight in the winter is undercut by an icemelt stream in the spring.
The ice tunnel season in the area of the Los Alerces National Park can extend from November to March. It depends on how much snow accumulated during the winter. If it snowed a lot, the tunnels can reach a height of 7 or 8 meters and last for as long as 4 months.

The excursion treats the traveler to a fascinating series of ecosystems in one of the most beautiful places in the Andes.
For more information on this excursion and multi-adventure weeks in the area, visit
PHOTO CREDITS: Entrance to and interior of an ice tunnel in autumn 2007, and a sport utility vehicle on a difficult road, courtesy of Quehumanque.