Bonnie Tucker / FST
Located at the mouth of an estuary that harbors legions of sea creatures, the Santa Cruz fishing port of Puerto Deseado is an ideal base for getting to know Argentina’s Patagonian coastal steppe. In addition to birds and dolphins – quickly and easily accessed by boat – it offers sheep ranches, history, lighthouses, dramatically desolate landscapes, a petrified forest, unique sea kayaking opportunities, and a bit of adventure to those who are willing to do a bit of traveling to get there.
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The Deseado estuary is another freak of nature. It once harbored a broad rushing river that drained the water of a huge glacier-fed lake at the foot of the Andes into the Atlantic. The lake, shared by Argentina and Chile, is called Buenos Aires on this side of the Andes and General Carrera on the other. The Deseado River practically dried up as a result of an Andean cataclysm: the ice plug stopping up the Baker River broke in what is now Chile, and since then most of the lake’s water has been emptying into the Pacific. The Deseado River, left with the contributions of two small tributaries, was reduced to a trickle, and as the last ice age came to an end and sea levels rose, the Atlantic occupied its 40-km-long estuary. British naturalist Charles Darwin, who reconnoitered this area in 1833 during the round-the-world cruise of the HMS Beagle, immortalized the far reaches of the estuary in his diary. Today’s anemic river meanders down a broad clay valley bounded by red volcanic canyon walls that were eroded away by an impetuous watercourse that is no more. Like Darwin, today’s travelers have the feeling that nothing has changed in at least 10,000 years.
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The sector of the museum dedicated to the Swift aims to show what life was like on board a ship of this type in the 18th century. One of the indications of the enormous social differences that existed between officers and crew is the contrasting quality of the eating utensils they were assigned.
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IT’S WORTH FIVE DAYS. There are enough things to see and do in and around Puerto Deseado to warrant a stay of five days. You should plan your schedule according to your priorities.
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The season runs from mid-October to mid-April. The climate tends to be cold and windy, but in summer the temperature can surpass 30ºC. Pack a lightweight waterproof windbreaker, a fleece sweatshirt, a long plastic raincoat with a hood if you plan to do the sea excursion, summer clothes, comfortable hiking shoes, a cap, sunglasses and sunblock.
Following are the main excursion options.
THE CLASSIC ESTUARY CRUISE. (Three hours) Not too far from the dock, you can photograph five species of cormorants close-up from the boat; disembark to view some of the 17,000 Magellanic penguins and hundreds of seagulls that nest on Bird Island, and observe sea lions and various species of migrant and local birds in their rookeries in the estuary.
You can also get to the rookeries by kayak. Pods of little black-and-white Commerson’s dolphins accompany boats at the mouth of the estuary.
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VAN NOORT HILL. (Six hours) This is a boat excursion to a spot halfway up the estuary from Puerto Deseado, and a hike up a hill. During the nautical part of the excursion, tourists may see small penguin and cormorant rookeries and be accompanied by some Commerson’s dolphins.
They disembark on the beach where the Hoorn, the smallest ship of a private Dutch survey expedition commanded by Willem Schouten accidentally caught fire while undergoing caulking and was abandoned in December 1615.
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Schouten, a partner in the survey venture, continued south with the Eendracht, the remaining vessel of the expedition, and shortly thereafter discovered Cape Horn, the southernmost promontory of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago that marks the southernmost passage between the Atlantic and Pacific. It was a stormy day with poor visibility, and Schouten didn’t realize that the promontory was on an island; he thought it was the end of the continent.
… foto Cabo de Hornos BLOG.jpg … He named the cape after Hoorn, the Dutch port from which the expedition had set out, which was also his birthplace and the namesake of his burnt ship. English navigators later called the cape “Horn” and their Spanish colleagues phoneticized the name to “Hornos.”
Near the beach where the Hoorn burned is a hill that has been named after Olivier van Noort, a Dutch corsair who was the first navigator of his country to sail around the world.
… foto Olivier van Noort BLOG.jpg … (a la derecha) Van Noort reconnoitered the Deseado estuary in 1599 while on his way to the Pacific Ocean to plunder Spanish ports and trade with China, but he crossed from the Atlantic to the Pacific through the Strait of Magellan, which at the time was the only known passage between the two oceans. His four-year circumnavigation of the world led to the formation of the Dutch East India Company in 1602 and to the expedition of Schouten, which sought an inter-ocean passage that would allow other Dutch merchants to get around the Company’s monopoly of the maritime route through the Strait.
But there are also those who point out that in 1578 a storm blew the ship of English corsair Francis Drake south from the Strait on the Pacific Ocean side of the continent, thus allowing him to discover the waters of the southernmost passage that today bears his name: the Drake Passage. But it is doubtful that he got far enough east to sight Cape Horn. His discovery was kept quiet so that the rivals of the English Crown would not make use of it.
… foto Cerro Van Noort BLOG.jpg … After the long hard slog up the hill for a panoramic view of this part of the estuary, the excursionists descend to enjoy a picnic lunch on the beach while the guide tells them pirate stories.
… foto Miradores Darwin BLOG.jpg … DARWIN’S OVERLOOKS. (Full day) There are two overland routes to the different lookout points at the far end of the Deseado estuary, and the time actually spent getting there and back will depend on whether the group descends to the canyon floor to look at a cave with ancient rock art, because getting back up to the top is not that easy and takes time. Excursionists have plenty of time to contemplate the trickle of water in the broad, red canyon, and empathize with Darwin, who was struck by the timelessness of the desolate scene below and around him. The trip up the estuary to this cave can also be done by boat. However, it must be made at high tide, taking care to return on time to avoid being stranded when the tide goes out.
THE PETRIFIED FOREST. (Full day) There is a place in the heart of the steppe that was devastated long before the estuary canyon lost most of its water. Called the Petrified Forests Natural Monument by the National Parks Administration and the “Jaramillo petrified forest” by locals because it is near the town of the same name, it reminds us that 150 million years ago a volcanic cataclysm felled great forests of gigantic araucarias and other trees when the climate was temperate if not subtropical.
… foto Petrificados 1 BLOG … The volcanoes on the horizon and at the entrance to the reserve provide a suitably bleak and singed-looking setting for the petrified tree trunks, some of which are big enough to make humans feel like midgets.
Guanacos roam amid the fossilized remains and low scrub bushes, and grey foxes hang around the visitors’ center hoping that some tourist will forget that feeding the animals is forbidden.
This place is 250 km from Puerto Deseado, but it – and the landscapes and wildlife seen on the way there and back – are well worth the time and money spent to get there.
THE CAPE BLANCO LIGHTHOUSE. (Full day) The months of October and November – shearing time in this part of Santa Cruz – are a good time to go out to this lighthouse, because watching shearers at work can be an added attraction during a stop at one of the ranches along the way for a barbecue lunch that a travel agency can make a part of the program.
… foto Esquila BLOG … The Navy-run lighthouse is still operating, and the keepers will tell you about life in this solitary spot as their cat naps in a corner. The facility perches atop a tall windswept promontory of volcanic rock that separates a gulf marked by pounding surf from a sheltered cove.
… foto Cabo Blanco BLOG … You will need field glasses or a camera with a really big telephoto lens to spy on the fur seals and cormorants on the rocks off the cape.
BEACHCOMBING. People who are fascinated by what the sea leaves on beaches can indulge to their heart’s content on a pebble beach and amid a series of seaweed covered tidal pools at the Cueva Leones caverns a short walk from downtown Puerto Deseado.
HORSEBACK RIDING. Visitors who enjoy horseback riding and Patagonian ranch ambiances can sign up for a day in the countryside organized by the owners of the Cis Tours travel agency, who are also ranchers.
FISHING. Cis will also take you shark fishing.
… Tiburón BLOG.jpg … The only creatures that Puerto Deseado can’t offer are whales, although a few of them do stop by at the end of May on their way to their breeding ground in front of Puerto Madryn in the Golfo Nuevo (Chubut) 600 km further north. But that’s another story.
Puerto Deseado info
City Tourist Office
San Martín 1525; (0297) 487-0220
Cis Tours (travel agency)
San Martín 916, Of. 1; (0297) 487-2864
Darwin Expeditions (tour operator specialized in wildlife and kayaking)
(0297) 156-247-554 / 154-132-887
Los Vikingos (tour operator specialized in wildlife)
(0297) 487- 0020 / (0297) 156-245-141
Ría Extrema (tour operator specialized in diving)
(0297) 487-1065 / (0297) 156-258-180
PHOTO CREDITS: Kayakers inspect a sea lion rookery in the Deseado estuary, courtesy Darwin Expediciones. Map, city tourist office. Aerial view of Puerto Deseado, courtesy Darwin Expediciones. Las Nubes cabin court, Bonnie Tucker. Tower Rock. The end of the Deseado estuary, Bonnie Tucker. A wooden table retrieved from the wreck of the HMS Swift undergoes a desalination treatment in the museum laboratory, Bonnie Tucker. Varela’s railway car headquarters, Bonnie Tucker. The old railway terminal station, Bonnie Tucker. The lighthouse-church in downtown Puerto Deseado, courtesy Darwin Expediciones. Photographing nesting cormorants is easy in the estuary, Bonnie Tucker. Commerson’s dolphins follow tourist boats, Bonnie Tucker. Rockhopper penguin, courtesy Darwin Expediciones. Photographers entranced by rockhoppers on Penguin Island, Bonnie Tucker. A Darwin Expediciones semi-rigid heads toward Penguin Island, Bonnie Tucker. A period portrait of Willem Schouten. Cape Horn in better weather than Schouten had, Bonnie Tucker. Period portrait of Olivier van Noort. Hikers descend van Noort Hill, courtesy of Iggy. The Darwin overlook of the La Aurora ranch, Bonnie Tucker. Petrified Forests Natural Monument, Bonnie Tucker. Shearers at work on a ranch near the Cape Blanco lighthouse, Bonnie Tucker. The Cape Blanco lighthouse, Bonnie Tucker. No-nonsense shark fishing, courtesy of CIS Tours.