In a world in which images are replacing the written word for many people, there are still youths who are interested in poetry and choral singing. Following a tradition brought by the Welsh settlers who disembarked in Puerto Madryn (Chubut) in 1865, hundreds of youths up to the age of 25 gather every year during three days in September in the Municipal Gymnasium of Gaiman to take part in the poetry recital contests in Spanish and Welsh of the Youth Eisteddfod.

Their parents and grandparents enjoy their own competitions in the Chubut Eisteddfod, which takes place in October in the neighboring city of Trelew.
The Welsh word “eisteddfod” means “being seated.” It refers to the Bard’s Chair, the traditional prize of the best poet of such competitions. In the Middle Ages, the Chair (usually made of carved wood) gave the winning poet a worthy seat at the table of the prince who had organized the contest.
Other worthwhile experiences at this time of year: treating yourself to all sorts of pies and cakes in a Welsh tea house that also provides lodging in Gaiman; going out to sea to watch Commerson’s dolphins in Rawson; spending a couple of days resting on a farm near Gaiman or a ranch outside Puerto Madryn; going as far back as 40 million years in time in the Bryn Gwyn paleontological park outside Gaiman, and then visiting the state-of-the-art Edgidio Feruglio Museum of Paleontology in Trelew.
(02965) 491-571 / 491-846 (Gaiman Tourist Office and Culture Department, respectively).
PHOTO CREDIT: Choir competition in the 2008 Youth Eisteddfod. Gaiman Tourist Office.