Bonnie Tucker / FST
Until late on Monday, March 8, the tall ships from eight South American countries and two European nations that are participating in Velas Sudamérica 2010 – the international regatta celebrating the bicentennials of Argentina and Chile – will be open to the public in Buenos Aires’ old port area.
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From 11am to 8pm, the crews of the brigs, frigates and other sailing vessels representing Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela will offer free guided tours of their vessels.
Most of the tall ships in the port are navy training vessels that bring to mind the years of the 19th century when South American countries achieved independence. They are participating in or accompanying this regatta, which began in early February in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and will end in late June in Veracruz, Mexico. More than 200,000 people visited the ships during the weekend.
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Monday will be the best day to see the tall ships, because it is a work day and there will be fewer people queuing to see them, and there will be more time to catch details such as the figurehead of the Ecuadorian big, which features a condor rather than a scantily attired woman.
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Most of the boats are moored in the Navy sector of the Dársena Norte basin. There are three in Dique 4 and one in Dique 3 in Puerto Madero. During the weekend, the Sturla boat company offered Dársena Norte excursions that gave passengers a look at the big ships from the water.
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On Saturday the crews of the sailing ships in the port took part in a colorful parade in Plaza San Martín to the accompaniment of the popular music of the respective countries played by the Argentine Navy’s Symphonic Orchestra.
… foto 2891 queche de Prefectura con pelotas de la muni en Dique 4
Before their arrival in Buenos Aires, the ships visited the ports of Mar del Plata in Argentina and Montevideo in Uruguay. On March 9 they will sail southwards. Their schedule has them passing Staten Island on the 18th, visiting Ushuaia from the 20th to the 23rd, rounding Cape Horn on the 24th and calling in Punta Arenas from the 27th to the 30th. April will see them in ports of Chile and Peru, May in Ecuador and Colombia, and June in the Caribbean.
PHOTO CREDITS: Behind the stern of Colombia´s brig Gloria appear Uruguay’s schooner Capitán Miranda and Ecuador’s brig Guayas; people queue up to see the Gloria; the figurehead of the Guayas; Portugal’s Sagres frigate and Mexico’s Cuauhtémoc sailing ship in Dársena Norte; the Argentine Coast Guard ketch Dr. Bernardo Houssay and floating spheres allusive to the Bicentennial celebrations in Dique 3, all by Marcelo Imbellone.
Until late on Monday, March 8, the tall ships from eight South American countries and two European nations that are participating in Velas Sudamérica 2010 – the international regatta celebrating the bicentennials of Argentina and Chile – will be open to the public in Buenos Aires’ old port area.
… foto 2859 tres buques en Dique 4 …

Most of the tall ships in the port are navy training vessels that bring to mind the years of the 19th century when South American countries achieved independence. They are participating in or accompanying this regatta, which began in early February in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and will end in late June in Veracruz, Mexico. More than 200,000 people visited the ships during the weekend.
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… foto 2863 dos buques en Dársena Norte …

… foto 2891 queche de Prefectura con pelotas de la muni en Dique 4

PHOTO CREDITS: Behind the stern of Colombia´s brig Gloria appear Uruguay’s schooner Capitán Miranda and Ecuador’s brig Guayas; people queue up to see the Gloria; the figurehead of the Guayas; Portugal’s Sagres frigate and Mexico’s Cuauhtémoc sailing ship in Dársena Norte; the Argentine Coast Guard ketch Dr. Bernardo Houssay and floating spheres allusive to the Bicentennial celebrations in Dique 3, all by Marcelo Imbellone.