Bonnie Tucker / FST
Fed up with the perpetual diet culture that has been fed us over the years by slimness gurus, gymnasiums, and manufacturers of food substitutes and home gym equipment, who are also advertisers in media that publish kilos of articles that showcase anorexic fashion models, promote body sculpting and stress how bad it is to be fat?
Most of us feel like stepping out of the box and sitting down to enjoy something sweet at least once or twice a year, but fine tea pastries do not form part of the Argentine culinary tradition, which is rooted in proteins and decrees dulce de leche (milk jam) for all the rest. In most cases, sweet tooth fantasies have to make do with the medialunas (croissants) that accompany the morning “coffee with milk,” and an unimaginative flan (crème caramel), fruit salad or ice cream served after a heavy pasta- or beef-centered meal. Those who want the real thing in pastries have to find a tea room where they will be served the delicate infusion of their choice, accompanied by small portions of fresh-baked pies and cakes whose sole mission is to delight the diner with their combinations of flavor, texture, color and decoration.

PHOTO CREDITS: Cream cheese tart with grapefruit slices. “Medicis” dacquoise. Courtesy Caesar Park Buenos Aires.