Bonnie Tucker / FST
The arid, windswept steppe in Argentina’s part of the Patagonian region has inspired some colorful legends and theories. Consider, for instance, the notions that the medieval order of the Knights Templar established a fort atop a mesa near the coast south of Las Grutas in the province of Río Negro, and that the Chubut River is the Biblical River of Canaan.
The arid, windswept steppe in Argentina’s part of the Patagonian region has inspired some colorful legends and theories. Consider, for instance, the notions that the medieval order of the Knights Templar established a fort atop a mesa near the coast south of Las Grutas in the province of Río Negro, and that the Chubut River is the Biblical River of Canaan.

Some of the stones were taken from ancient Indian burial mounds and others were brought to light by excavations done during the construction of a gas pipeline. The figures carved into their surfaces – hearts, chalices, arrowheads, snakes, turtles, suns and Indian faces – set them apart from other Argentine rock art. Aramaic, the precursor of all Semitic tongues, was the lingua franca of the Middle East until Arabic replaced it in the 9th century AD, when Islam had become the dominant religion in that region.
When I was in the museum in December 2003, I photographed 15 of the most interesting ones in their display cases. Of these, three of the most striking feature (1) a Semitic-looking script; (2) a mass of writhing snakes, and (3) a cross, a sun and a crescent moon. The latter is the only one in white marble, a type of metamorphic rock that doesn’t exist in the region.
Looking at these stones in Rawson, I thought (and still think): "Either some scholarly priest or sculptor whiled away long Patagonian winter nights carving these stones, or … there’s something to them."
The stones have drawn numerous researchers from around the world, and have inspired as many interpretations of their symbols. Some people point out that the ancient Egyptians and Asians associated snakes with fertility. There are those who link the crescent moon on the white marble stone to Islam, and the hearts to medieval Christian symbolism. But one should not forget that the half moon is also a Mapuche image.
After doing some quick comparisons of ancient alphabets on the Internet, I would say the characters look more like Aramaic (a language spoken from 700 BC to the present) than the runes used by the Germanic peoples from the 3rd to 13th centuries AD.
The characters do not correspond to an indigenous language. Neither the Tehuelches (who inhabited the land 12,000 years before the arrival of the Spaniards) nor the Mapuches (an ethnic group from Chile that absorbed the Tehuelches and other indigenous groups of Argentina in the 19th century) developed writing. In the 17th century, Jesuit priests developed a Mapuche alphabet with Latin letters to facilitate evangelization; now there are more than 10 different alphabets with similar letters in use in Argentina and Chile. The Mapuche people adopted their national flag in Chile in 1992. Before that, in 1987, Julio Antieco (1929-1993), an Argentine Mapuche, had invented a Mapuche-Tehuelche flag with blue stripe above, a gold stripe below, and a blue arrowhead in the white stripe in the middle, despite the fact that the Tehuelches’ traditional flag, the one they used in the 19th century, was plain white.
The Salesian Regional Museum was closed as part of an official plan to put the collections of Rawson’s three museums under a single roof. The plan did not materialize, but the museum inside the Salesian school remains closed, and some of its stones were lent to the municipal museum next door.
Early explorations
The Chubut stones came to light at about the time that international scholars were beginning to consider the possibility that the New World had been explored long before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492.
When Columbus set out from Spain, he thought that the land west of Europe was the East Indies because the maps in use at the time showed South America as a gigantic peninsula of China. The problem was that those maps were based on one by an Egyptian that altered an earlier map by a Phoenecian that had shown South America as a continent.
The Templars craze
The Knights Templar have fascinated common mortals ever since their order of Christian warrior monks (the Order of the Temple) was established to defend pilgrims from Muslims in the Holy Land in 1099. The knights started out so hard up for money that their seal depicts two men sharing a war horse, but they ended up with their own navy, and as the bankers of many people, including kings.

However, the most popular legend of all is that just before the arrest of the French leaders of the Order of the Temple in 1307, the Order’s treasure disappeared from its headquarters in Paris and its fleet set sail from La Rochelle, never to be heard from again. The leaders were tortured by the Inquisition, forced to sign false confessions to heresy and other crimes, and finally burned at the stake in 1314 in Paris by a French king who owed the Order money. It was in Scotland, one of the places in Europe where escaped Knights Templar found refuge, that Freemasonry arose at the end of the 16th century.
In Buenos Aires, the Delphos Foundation holds that a group of Celtic Christians established a fort atop the seaside mesa that is known locally as El Fuerte, and that the knights who escaped from France brought the Holy Grail to this part of the world when the Order was disbanded in the 14th century. They claim that the mesa appeared on maps as the site of an abandoned fort as late as the 19th century.

See for their studies.
See also: and
PHOTO CREDITS: The El Fuerte mesa, Fundación Delphos. Five carved stones from the Salesian Regional Museum of Rawson, Chubut, Bonnie Tucker. Map drawn by German cartographer Henricus Martellus Germanus in 1489. Templar seal. Templars in an old engraving. Detail of a map attributed to French cartographer Jean Antoine Martin de Moussy, published in his atlas of 1869, and a Fundación Delphos expedition, both from Fundación Delphos.